What’s Old is New

The Della Robbia dishes and the dryer hose pumpkins are a Thanksgiving thing. Both are in a cabinet the rest of the year, but noThanksgiving table at our house would be complete without them.  The trick is finding something new to do with the same pieces year after year.

Looking through my stash of cloths and table runners, I came upon this wonderful handwoven fabric from Morocco.  Add an antique candle mold dotted with gourds, and there it is a new look for the pumpkins which stand out beautifully on the cloth.

There is a sparkling gold thread running through the fabric so in keeping with that the very quiet dishes are placed on a gold charger.  So far so good?

What to do with napkins to add a touch of fun?  I got the idea of using a toilet paper roll for a napkin ring here.  Luckily, I had a fabric sample book that had some just right colors that could be used to cover the cardboard and for that something extra, all I had to do was go outside and pick up acorns from the millions that are covering the ground.  With a little hot glue…..done!

Now, to put it all together and add candles that will give a soft glow at twilight.

The table is ready without too much fuss, and what will make it special are the people who will soon gather round.  Each one is so special to me, and their love and laughter will fill my heart.

Wherever you are, whatever your tradition, I hope you have a most wonderful day.

i so appreciate your visit and the comments your leave behind

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10 responses to “What’s Old is New”

  1. A lovely table to celebrate with family! Best wishes for a wonderful season and thanks for linking to Let’s Dish!

  2. This is what Thanksgiving is all about. Keeping with the magic of the old, the traditions and the loving presence and laughter of the people who help us to feel grateful everyday. Have a blessed day.

  3. Love your creativity with your toilet paper roll/napkin rings! It’s always a challenge to make your stand by favorites look new again! Hope your Thanksgiving was delicious 🙂

  4. You did make it look fresh and new. Great job! My MIL has the same pattern and she hasn’t used it in a while. I remember it well. At 86, she now comes to our house.

    November passed in a wink because I was involved in a huge project that I love, Operation Christmas Child so I have been away from blogland. Great to have time to visit again.

    1. I would say your time was much better spent doing for others than reading/writing blogs. Good for you.

  5. Your Thanksgiving table is beautiful and I’m sure you had a wonderful feast with your family.

    1. As you might guess, we were are stuffed at the turkey!

  6. Beautiful, love it, Lulu! Thank you for sharing! Happy Thanksgiving. 🙂

  7. Don’t forget the stick figure hedgehog…I mean, turkey place cards! Wink! Sad to miss the feast. Hugs!

  8. The mark of a true decorator is the ability to make something used time and time again look fresh as the day it was debuted! Yepper….you’ve got the touch, babe! And toilet paper roll napkin rings…now THAT’S original to my eyes! What a great idea!!! Using the fabric samples to cover the paper roll was a stroke of genius, too! I regret having dumped sample books now! Happy Thanksgiving to you and those around your table!

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